Roe v. Wade to be overturned


Let the light in
Nov 27, 2007
Paris, Texas
In a draft opinion* SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v Wade, which essentially turns abortion access (and prosecution) a states issue :zombie:

*I didn't know LEAKS were a thing for SCOTUS. A draft opinion means it's not published (i.e. law) yet and votes could, but are unlikely, to change. Hard to really guess though, since I think this is fairly unprecedented.
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In a draft opinion* SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v Wade, which essentially turn abortion access (and prosecution) a states issue :zombie:

*I didn't know LEAKS were a thing for SCOTUS. A draft opinion means it's not published (i.e. law) yet and votes could, but are unlikely, to change. Hard to really guess though, since I think this is fairly unprecedented.
Ugh! Why is the US so FUCKED?! (And several other countries etc but at least Boris is firmly pro-life, or at least pro-creating)

This won’t happen though because like virtually everything the Democrats tried to push through over the past two years, it was blocked by the corrupt fake democratic Senators Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin.
In a draft opinion* SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v Wade, which essentially turns abortion access (and prosecution) a states issue :zombie:

*I didn't know LEAKS were a thing for SCOTUS. A draft opinion means it's not published (i.e. law) yet and votes could, but are unlikely, to change. Hard to really guess though, since I think this is fairly unprecedented.
How many steps away from full-on Handmaid's Tale are the US now?

Fucking mysogynistic wankers the lot of them. This is the problem with mixing religion and politics, certain religions believe females should be subjugated for their own good.

I saw a comment on Twitter earlier "this is what you get when the country is run by frat boys and Gilead wives".
I’ve never heard of a leak from the Court before - it might be unprecedented. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone goes to jail for this.

It’s a first draft, so the wording will undoubtedly change. But the outcome has never been in doubt since Barrett’s confirmation.
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Force everyone who voted, supported and campaigned for this to be on a register to take care of all the pre and post-natal care, as well as adoption registers - and if they don’t comply, charge them with child neglect.
So, what do we need to do now? Sanctions?
Cannot even being to imagine the terror this will induce in so many women. These people need to take a long look at themselves and their humanity (or lack of).
Meanwhile, middle class women sit wearing JK Rowling masks, supping champagne.

How easily distracted we were while all our basic rights were destroyed.
This has been on the cards for a while. The far right "Great Replacement" horrors have been demanding it for a long time, pre-Trump. He was there to pack SCOTUS and he did.
Thank god for all those votes for Jill Stein when there was an open seat on the Supreme Court.
Where this is leading is properly terrifying. A quasi-theological autocracy is a real prospect in the US within 6-10 years.

This is absolutely terrifying stuff. Lawrence v Texas, Obergefell, etc. appear to be just as vulnerable based on this logic.

SCOTUS: the Constitution doesn’t have the words TRANS or GAY SEX in it so fuck those rights too eh?
I think he’s exaggerating the risk slightly there. Obergefell and Lawrence are based on rights deeply routed in history - the right to marriage and to consensual sex. The court didn’t invent a new right to gay marriage, just that the right for everyone to get married had to be applied equally.
I hate how they prattle on about "deeply rooted in history" when many of these people firmly believe that the Earth is 6000 years old and dinosaur fossils were put there by God to test us! These very same people believe that other people with a different colour skin from them are inferior, even though underneath we all have the same internal workings and God made man in his own image so surely the brown people are also made in His image.

It's so infuriating because their beliefs are unwavering even in the face of logical argument and scientific evidence yet they are willing to condemn people because scriptures written decades after Christ's (alleged) death tell them to do so. They pick and choose the parts that feed into their own sick imaginations of what they think the world should be like and they ignore all of the other aspects of Christianity like love thy neighbour and be kind to others.

This is the 21st Century, a time of great scientific advances and enlightenment, how can this be allowed to happen?
SCOTUS: the Constitution doesn’t have the words TRANS or GAY SEX in it so fuck those rights too eh?
It doesn't mention microwave ovens, Twitter or overseas bank accounts either.
I saw this right before I was going to bed last night but tried to ignore it for my sanity. Absolutely fucking gross. Once again a minority of bigots are going out of their way to fuck up the US.

My mother is on a vacation in the Caribbean, and I hope she’s not seen this, since I think it’ll ruin her vacation.
I hate how they prattle on about "deeply rooted in history" when many of these people firmly believe that the Earth is 6000 years old and dinosaur fossils were put there by God to test us! These very same people believe that other people with a different colour skin from them are inferior, even though underneath we all have the same internal workings and God made man in his own image so surely the brown people are also made in His image.

It's so infuriating because their beliefs are unwavering even in the face of logical argument and scientific evidence yet they are willing to condemn people because scriptures written decades after Christ's (alleged) death tell them to do so. They pick and choose the parts that feed into their own sick imaginations of what they think the world should be like and they ignore all of the other aspects of Christianity like love thy neighbour and be kind to others.

This is the 21st Century, a time of great scientific advances and enlightenment, how can this be allowed to happen?

This is what a mean by a pseudo-theocracy. Christ would have hated these people. The US needs to face up to slavery and what they did in the same way that the UK needs to face up to Empire and its consequences and outcomes. Partition is still the source of an ongoing war and we just sit around moaning about a few people trying to flee from countries where their houses have been destroyed by bombs made in the UK. White Western capitalism is fucked and about time too.
I mean, these ghouls want to remove the right to have an ectopic pregnancy ended. An ectopic pregnancy is non-viable and can be fatal. These people are absolute demons and it is all about control, all about the old rich white guy saying no, fuck your autonomy, fuck your well-being, that's not good for me and my investments.
What a statement of intent. And still it won't budge Manchin and Sinema...
This is what’s really getting to me. The Democrats have the last majority they’re likely to get for a decade and these fucking assholes can’t do the bare minimum to protect people’s rights.
I mean, these ghouls want to remove the right to have an ectopic pregnancy ended. An ectopic pregnancy is non-viable and can be fatal. These people are absolute demons and it is all about control, all about the old rich white guy saying no, fuck your autonomy, fuck your well-being, that's not good for me and my investments.
I just don’t understand ANY of their reasoning for this. Also if they’re so fucking “pro-life”, surely they’d want to ban firearms or anything designed to harm existing life.
I just don’t understand ANY of their reasoning for this. Also if they’re so fucking “pro-life”, surely they’d want to ban firearms or anything designed to harm existing life.
This is why I think a better phrase to describe them is “anti-choice”. Pro-life makes it sound like they give a fuck about life, when they clearly don’t
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This is why I think a better phrase to describe them is “anti-choice”. Pro-life makes it sound like they give a fuck about life, when they clearly don’t

It's the classic sophistry. You're not "pro-life", you're anti-choice. We see it in fringe politics here as well - it's not "Britain First", it's "the people who meet our definition of "British" and no-one else" also, "For Women" who have done literally nothing for women's rights, they're just anti-trans.

This is a major contributor to the death of nuance, bad faith actors painting themselves as saviours, all portraying completely false pro/anti, for/against etc narratives.
I try to not engage with these things but this is touching (if useless since the democrats seem to be powerless)

I can't believe we're even having this conversation. The US already has the worst maternity leave of the world's rich countries: 0 weeks off. :manson: And the average cost to have a baby is $10,000 - $30,000. So, as usual these Republican freaks don't give a shit about what happens to the child after birth, or about the mother's state prior to birth. And because they have the money, we all know that rich Republican women with bleach blonde hair and veneers - you all know the type - will continue to travel to states that allow abortion, so this is only punishing the poor.
I can't believe we're even having this conversation. The US already has the worst maternity leave of the world's rich countries: 0 weeks off. :manson: And the average cost to have a baby is $10,000 - $30,000. So, as usual these Republican freaks don't give a shit about what happens to the child after birth, or about the mother's state prior to birth. And because they have the money, we all know that rich Republican women with bleach blonde hair and veneers - you all know the type - will continue to travel to states that allow abortion, so this is only punishing the poor.

It's almost as if it's just not about babies at all. This is going to get fucking nasty and The Fucking Times (to give them their full name) are going to import it over here. Their op ed supporting the overturn is them gearing up to provide the distraction as the UK is ground into a pulp by incompetent greedy ghouls.
I can't get this shit out of my head.

America consistently police the world, yet their citizens often get the treatment normally reserved for countries barely a generation or two out of dictatorships.

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