Moopy Banner 2021

I've been informed that the way it'll work is that the banner is to be VERY wide, and the right hand side gets progressively chopped off the lower resolution you go. I've probably not explained that well, but basically the ESSENTIALS (Kylie etc) will be on the left for everyone to see, and the more niché stars like Yurii and Margo will be banished off to the right so won't always be visible unless you're on a computer.
As I say, the more niche stuff will be invisible unless you're on a computer monitor at 4k resolution.
Why do we even need such shite? There's plenty of more representative niche Moopy stuff.
We didnt need DEAD BABY INCEST PORN JOKES but those that didn’t want to make them didn‘t get involved.
The banner will be SO wide that we can have big Moopy faves AND niche stuff of many different stripes.

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