Family Fortunes 2021 (Alla's edition) - Round 2 - Results

4. Name a rock music act that was popular in the 80s


Bon Jovi 10
Queen 7
Guns 'n' Roses 6
Whitesnake 1
U2 1
Iron Maiden 1
Europe 1
Def Leppard 1

Surprised to see Bon Jovi winning over Queen, but it's true BJ had more number one hits in the 80s than any other rock band. And no solo artists, but I can't think of many. Tina Turner? Alice Cooper? Whatever.
Ag Bon Jovi 10
BoysForSeles Bon Jovi 10
David 5000 Bon Jovi 10
dmlaw Bon Jovi 10
Ellie Bon Jovi 10
Jacques Bon Jovi 10
ManicKangaroo Bon Jovi 10
Marilyn Bon Jovi 10
Raining On Me Bon Jovi 10
Rhythmbarbican Bon Jovi 10

Beryl Queen 7
Iguana Queen 7
Indie Queen 7
Music Queen 7
POP! Queen 7
Rita Queen 7
Soldi Queen 7

ButterTart Guns 'n' Roses 6
Diddy Guns 'n' Roses 6
Ill Advised Guns 'n' Roses 6
Kate Guns 'n' Roses 6
Tisch Guns 'n' Roses 6
wendy the goat Guns 'n' Roses 6

.org Whitesnake 1
COB U2 1
octophone Iron Maiden 1
Queen of the Bay Europe 1
RJN Def Leppard 1
Oh yes Bon Jovi, queen, and guns and roses are more obvious than Def Leppard. But it was all I could think of
5. Name a food that some people are allergic to


nuts 27
shellfish 1

Oh dear :shock: We were so close to a full house, and right at the end a poor soul came up with something else. This has to be a first, how unfortunate. :(

.org nuts 27
Ag peanut 27
Beryl nuts 27
BoysForSeles nuts 27
ButterTart nuts 27
COB nuts 27
David 5000 nuts 27
Diddy nuts 27
dmlaw peanut 27
Ellie nuts 27
Iguana nuts 27
Ill Advised nuts 27
Indie nuts 27
Jacques nuts 27
Kate nuts 27
ManicKangaroo nuts 27
Marilyn peanut 27
Music nuts 27
octophone nuts 27
POP! nuts 27
Queen of the Bay nuts 27
Rhythmbarbican peanut 27
Rita nuts 27
RJN peanut 27
Soldi nuts 27
Tisch nuts 27
wendy the goat nuts 27

Raining On Me shellfish 1
After 5 questions things are like this:

1 ManicKangaroo 74
2 dmlaw 72
3 ButterTart 70
4 Music 69
5 Ag 66
5 BoysForSeles 66
7 Indie 65
7 Jacques 65
9 Kate 64
9 Ill Advised 64

11 Beryl 63
12 Soldi 61
13 David 5000 60
13 Rita 60
15 Tisch 58
15 wendy the goat 58
17 Iguana 57
17 Queen of the Bay 57
19 Diddy 54
19 Marilyn 54

21 Rhythmbarbican 49
21 POP! 49
23 Raining On Me 48
24 Ellie 47
25 RJN 42
26 .org 37
26 COB 37
28 octophone 34
6. Name an animal you would use to describe your partner in bed


tiger 15
bear 4
lion 2
stallion 2
sloth 1
giraffe 1
rabbit 1
dog 1
pig 1

Tiger was a safe bet. However, some of those answers... I'm _________
Ag tiger 15
Beryl tiger 15
BoysForSeles tiger 15
ButterTart tiger 15
David 5000 tiger 15
Diddy tiger 15
Ellie tiger 15
Iguana tiger 15
Indie tiger 15
Kate tiger 15
ManicKangaroo tiger 15
Marilyn tiger 15
Music tiger 15
Rhythmbarbican tiger 15
Rita tiger 15

dmlaw bear 4
Ill Advised bear 4
POP! bear 4
Queen of the Bay bear 4

Jacques lion 2
wendy the goat lion 2
octophone stallion 2
Tisch stallion 2

.org sloth 1
COB giraffe 1
Raining On Me rabbit 1
RJN dog 1
Soldi pig 1
TIGERRRR!! I have never called anyone in my bed a tiger. In fact it kind of gives me the creeps and reminds me of BESTIALITY.
7. Name a word that you might hear a lot in a football match


goal 18
foul 2
referee 1
home 1
go 1
YES!!!! 1
score 1
cunt 1
corner kick 1
offside 1

Definitely not a word you hear "a lot" during a match, but I guess it's the most obvious one that you might hear. Anyway, you don't get points for the most accurate answer, so good for anyone who said goal.
.org goal 18
Ag goal 18
ButterTart goal 18
COB goal 18
David 5000 goal 18
Diddy goal 18
dmlaw goal 18
Ellie goal 18
Iguana goal 18
Ill Advised goal 18
Indie goal 18
Marilyn goal 18
POP! goal 18
Raining On Me goal 18
RJN goal 18
Soldi goal 18
Tisch goal 18
wendy the goat goal 18

Beryl foul 2
Rhythmbarbican foul 2

BoysForSeles referee 1
Jacques home 1
Kate go 1
ManicKangaroo YES!!!! 1
Music score 1
octophone cunt 1
Queen of the Bay corner kick 1
Rita offside 1

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