Big Brother Series 7 TWITTER REWATCH. Live launch 7th May.

Pete and Mikey and Lea and Aisleyne pretending to be each other is quite fun, though Lea doing a Jamaican(?) accent is a CHOICE.
I'm up to Lisa's eviction. And Davina mentioned that next week's eviction would be the fake eviction into the secret house, which as I recall is when Aisleyne really came into her own as a viewer favourite.
I'm up to Lisa's eviction. And Davina mentioned that next week's eviction would be the fake eviction into the secret house, which as I recall is when Aisleyne really came into her own as a viewer favourite.
It's also the week of "KNOW YOURSELF" because she was really mardy at the being up for eviction and fell out with everyone :D

Category is The Matrix meets Just A Little Bit strip tease lark dare at the office Xmas 2004 party :disco:
It's so exhausting right now, watching Lea going from bitching with Aisleyne about Nikki, to then going off to Nikki and bitching about Aisleyne, but not before saying to both that the other definitely doesn't like her, and then finally going up to Pete once every episode to tell him that he's changed and that he doesn't like her anymore, not like he used to.

She is utterly unbearable!

I don't know how, when they were all up for eviction, Nikki ended up going over Lea.
I don't know how, when they were all up for eviction, Nikki ended up going over Lea.
Lea was evicted the week before. There was a "normal" week of nominations while Aisleyne was in the house next door and Lea and Richard were put up. Lea went but only by quite a narrow margin I believe. She called the audience a bunch of 'coonts' before the doors opened. :D
Lea was evicted the week before. There was a "normal" week of nominations while Aisleyne was in the house next door and Lea and Richard were put up. Lea went but only by quite a narrow margin I believe. She called the audience a bunch of 'coonts' before the doors opened. :D
Yes only 53.8% :o

Richard has been intolerable throughout and in Nikki’s words, really has been sucking Susie’s bum.
I'm on the episode with Aisleyne versus Lea, having missed the ones that weren't on Twitch - Aisleyne seems like she's in the wrong and should probably apologise for being so harsh, but everything she's saying about Lea (being manipulative by crying all the time and being controlling) is also COMPLETELY TRUE :D
I'm watching the new housemates going into the house next door. I thought I remembered Jennie, but apparently not as I was surprised by her being a Scouser :D
Michael is also FAR better looking than I recall, though I'm sure the horrible feet will make themselves apparent before too long :eyes:
Anyone who manages to get through to the end and watches past Nikki’s eviction week really deserves a medal :D
They just didn't need the new housemates did they? They could have carried the series on with the existing cast and the show would have carried on just fine. Michael and Spiral et al just made the house feel too busy too late in the game and it became a lot less interesting. A shame because of really was a killah series despite that.

If they needed more cast they should've just brought Bonneh back.
2 brewers? :horny:

God Spiral is really as insufferable as I remembered. Really didn't need to hear him as a DUBLIN RAPPER rationalise using the N WORD.
Not the Brewers, but I'm not sure I should be DISCLOSING the exact NATURE of the venue. However your emoji is apt
I'm up to the episode before the secret house. It was so satisfying to see Aisleyne SNAP and finally tell it straight to Lea, about emotionally blackmailing the house - only for Lea to then spend the day in tears, with the rest of the housemates having to prop her up with support. :eyes:

I've done nowt wrong, me :eyes:
I've never backstabbed anyone :eyes:
Anything I say about anyone, I say to their face :eyes:
I don't give a shit :eyes:
You've changed :eyes:
I'm up to the episode before the secret house. It was so satisfying to see Aisleyne SNAP and finally tell it straight to Lea, about emotionally blackmailing the house - only for Lea to then spend the day in tears, with the rest of the housemates having to prop her up with support. :eyes:

I've done nowt wrong, me :eyes:
I've never backstabbed anyone :eyes:
Anything I say about anyone, I say to their face :eyes:
I don't give a shit :eyes:
You've changed :eyes:
And that’s why we LUV ‘AH :disco:
What episode is this please? I stopped watching but may take it up again this evening.
Ugh Jayne is actually a garbage person, this start hers gaslighting of Nikki against Aisleyne.
Some excellent Richard shade from Michael in the episode I've just watched.

Jayne: There's never been gay relationship in Big Brother, has there?
Michael: And there won't be, this year.


Oh to have seen Richard's face when he eventually saw that.
I'm catching up on this week, just saw the nominations being revealed. Lea pretty much shouting DON'T TOUCH ME at Richard :D
Aisleyne barreling back into the house full-on ugly crying! Just WAILING in Spiral's arms in the bathroom! ...Me also crying along

This is absolutely incredible television.
Christ it really was a DIFFERENT TIME

Nikki is too much hard work, if I was Aisleyne I would have told her to DO ONE.
I've been too busy to watch it this week, and was about to catch up only to find their Twitch channel has been removed permanently :shock: According to their Twitter you can watch on there or Facebook but I'm sure that'll be quite the faff, so sadly I think I'm done :( It's not too bad I suppose, this is around the time it went off the boil ANYWAY so probably not much of a loss.
I've been watching it from the Twitter page using Chromecast and it works ok.

The dynamic between Michael and Richard is so weird. Michael seems a bit fragile but Richard is so OBNOXIOUS. He really think he's pushing boundaries by wearing a pearl necklace.

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