2024 US Presidential Election


Basic bopz plz
Nov 13, 2012


Bill Barr says Trump will 'burn the whole house down' and destroy the GOP if he doesn't win the 2024 nomination​

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My ideal scenario is trump running as a third party candidate and splitting the vote
I am predicting a DeSantis/Haley ticket and it's terrifying me no less than Trump.
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The devilish left wanting justice and equity for all- the NERVE.

He could’ve just said political correctness gone mad or something.
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It's going to be that he's found some bullshit new evidence 2020 was robbed or some shit about Hunter Biden's laptop again.
He clearly wasn't allowed to use any Top Trump pun was he? Also the random capitalisation of words like "Don't Wait". I'm obsessed.
Art of his life and career? Here's hoping for a full colour picture of him crying after being declared bankrupt again. I'll trade you for my card of Trump getting pissed on by Russian prostitutes.

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