Doctor Who - Series 13

Wow this is a very interesting idea. Though makes me think of Season 23 and Colin Baker as the show starts trying to survive a sinking ship...
I'm very curious about this, though I have to admit the trailer didn't do much for me. I'm sure a lot of that's down to it not actually SHOWING ANYTHING though - that's been a pattern in the Chibnall era and I'm a bit sick of it to be honest! The modern version of the show has never really done a properly serialised story, and I'm all for them trying new things.
There have also been rumours flying about that this is probably Jodie's final series, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get an announcement soon. As much as I'm a fan, I keep wondering if the time is coming to give it another rest - we're only two years away from the sixtieth anniversary though, so I'd expect it to continue until then at least.
We haven't even watch the New Years episode yet.

I do like Jodie, but I don't know. The series has lost so much charm from its glory days. The odd excellent episode isn't enough.
Very happy to hear Chibnall is going. I haven't bothered with it for ages. I'm not sure I even made it to the end of the last proper series
Also, pleased to see Chibnall going. He's a terrible writer who has never shown much of a sign that he understands how Doctor Who works. It's a shame, although not surprising, that Jodie's going at the same time. She's done relatively well with the often weak material that she's been given, but I suspect that she'll take the blame for the show's weak ratings in this era. Unless the press are busy claiming that the show is too woke, which is also blaming Jodie really.
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My choices for the next Doctor:

Dev Patel (no chance, absolute pipedream)
James Acaster (can't act, apart from that, fine)
Sandi Toksvig (she's been in everything else)
Jedward (Doctor splits in two due to an accident in the Tardis - hilarity ensues)
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I'm so curious what they're going to do next - unless I'm mistaken that article doesn't say anything about a replacement star or showrunner, so maybe they really will end up resting the show for a while? It could be interesting if they end it with Jodie still firmly the Doctor, then a few years later the show can return with a new actor for a clean break (with the option of revisiting what happened to her should she want to come back for a guest spot)...
Also LOL at the Gallifrey Base forums going DOWN as soon as this was announced and still being inaccessible hours later - this is the only time it might be useful! God knows I don't go there for the scintillating fan fiction or political chat :zombie:
I honestly have so many thoughts about this, but the main one is THANK GOD! Say what you like about RTD but he definitely both GOT Doctor Who in terms of how to write great stories that everyone can enjoy (he really walked the too geeky/too soapy line wonderfully), and was also very good at playing the game of keeping the show in the public consciousness.
So according to what was already announced Jodie is doing the upcoming series, then she and Chibnall will both leave following some specials next year - presumably with her regenerating at the end of the final one. This RTD news seems to confirm that a 60th anniversary special in 2023 will be the next thing after that, but that seems like an odd venue to introduce a new Doctor? The anniversaries tend to be more about celebrating the show's past... I wonder whether it might instead be a big blowout with as many former Doctors as he can get (including Jodie if she wants to return so soon), with the following series being a complete fresh start featuring a big-name actor contracted for that series only.
I'm honestly SO curious where he'll decide
to go with casting the next Doctor - both his previous choices were people he'd worked with quite recently on something else (Eccleston in The Second Coming, Tennant in Casanova) so I don't think it'd be crazy to look at the casts of his more recent series.

If they do go for a bigger star for a one-and-done series, I wonder if Hugh Grant would consider it? He was approached for the initial reboot in 2005 and turned it down, then later mentioned regretting it once he saw the finished product... and he's since worked with RTD on A Very English Scandal, so there's an existing relationship there. If he decides to go for a female Doctor (which may make sense as it'd certainly be a different angle for him in terms of writing), there's always Emma Thompson for the big star route... and of course there's also the likes of Lydia West, who I'm already starting to hope for as I honestly think she could be sensational in the role :disco:
Series thirteen trailer is here:

I've been stung before, but that looks good! I wonder if Chibnall has just said FUCK IT and thrown in all these monsters and ideas while he still had the chance - and it all looks quite expensive (I guess the reduced episode count helps there). Curious how the linked story will work, but I'm cautiously optimistic...
Ughhhhh I keep meaning to start this again, I haven’t seen ANY Jodie seasons and I can’t remember what was going on at the end of the … Malcolm Tucker years (why can I still not remember his name?!)
I can't see that tweet, but I hope it's the news about Sue Jenkins aka Jackie Corkhill being cast in the upcoming series :disco:
Sorry, it was a link to a website asking for people to form some kind of viewing panel. Perhaps it's already been filled, as I can't see it now, either.
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Don't do it gays. It's a link to a BBC Studios panel where they ask you about all sorts of BBC stuff like TOP GEAR! under the guise of Doctor Who because they know Doctor Who fans will sign up in droves onto anything hoping they can write WE H8 CHRIS CHIBNALL!!!!!1
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This is back on Sunday, and I'm actually quite excited! LOL at this from one of the listings magazines though, the show under Chibnall really has been WEIRD about keeping stuff under wraps and absolutely not playing ball with the press at every turn:

EDIT - oh there's another one :D
Like, I think he was on The One Show last week but shouldn't they have had John Bishop all over the place for weeks promoting the shit out of this? The public love him!
I thought that was pretty bloody good! I think this format of a big interconnected story will bring out the best in Chibnall's writing, and I'm already very intrigued by where things are going to go.
I liked it. It started a bit ropey but it got pretty good towards the end. I mean, first episodes are always DECEIVING because they can AMP UP the drama without having to bother to resolve anything, so we'll see.

She's still a pretty bad Doctor though. So one note. Why is she always breathless and on the edge when talking? She's exhausting to watch.
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Also LOL at Anfield being DESERTED at that time of night. That TARDIS would have been VANDALISED in a second in the real Anfield.

Nice waterfront advert though.
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I've never disliked her, but this is probably the best she's been for me. I think she bounced well off Yaz in the scenes with both of them, and it sort of made me wish we got a few more episodes of them together - I think some Doctors just suit multiple companions more than others.
Oh I don't know. I find Mandip such a terrible actress that the dialogue between them is JARRING to my ears regardless. It's SAD really because she is really nice IRL.

John Bishop, surprisingly, I enjoyed.
They should have had a clean slate of companions from the previous two series. They never learn.
This at least felt better than anything of the Chibnall era so far. It had some humour to it (finally), Yaz had a personality and purpose, and it generally kept me entertained. I sort of liked it.

But it was also an incoherent mess. Is Crystal Voldemort some sort of anti-timeless-child from the beginning of the universe sometime? Is he causing the Burn, er I mean the Flux? Why are the Sontarans bigger dicks than usual? Is the Yorkshire Terrier / Wookie guy a goodie or a baddie? Why did future girl just turn up and say she'll be important later? What have the angels got to do with anything? What's going on?
I think I'm going to watch it AGAIN tonight, something I haven't done at all during this era so far :o
I really liked it too - but it wasn't as good as the first episode of Spyfall or Fugitive of the Judoon, which DESTROYED me.

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