George Floyd and the police brutality debate

The Moopy jury says

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Abolish the police as they currently exist in the US. I'll post this again and recommend that you have a look at it:

"Abolishing the police is about the end of policing *as we know it.*"

Thought as much but, AIBAC? I can't help thinking just say that in the first place!!

I really don't think BLM and co help themselves by creating these highly provocative catchphrases that distract from the message they're trying to convey. They end up so busy fighting off the "you can't abolish the police, people would get away with murder!" arguments that they don't get much chance to actually discuss the ideas in that thread, and end up portraying themselves as nutjobs among the many, many people who don't read any further than the hashtag.

#AbolishThePoliceAsWeKnowIt is less catchy, but more clear. Similarly, calling themselves #BlackLivesMatterToo would've sent the same message about the police murdering black people without every fucktard on the internet responding with "but ALL lives matter!"

Racists are pretty thick - it's best not to give them ammunition by playing to their talent of misinterpretation.
And HOW is that going to work? Is there not going to be any police at all?

I’ve been doing some interesting reading into the origins of the police - always helpful to remember that police aren’t something that have existed forever. Only since the mid 19th century.

I am interested to see the evidence from the Minneapolis approach. I have heard a number of very persuasive arguments over the past few days about who and what the police are really for, and how, quite often, they are brought in to deal with situations that would be far better dealt with by other specialists. Mental health is one of these things - the number of times the police are contacted to deal with someone with severe mental health issues and do so poorly (because, surprisingly enough, they aren’t experts in mental health.) In the UK, these conditions have been exacerbated by austerity where local authority spending (and thus community-based services) have been cut back to a greater extent than spending on police.
Did we talk about the Buffalo thing before? The two officers involved in pushing the guy were suspended, and the entire emergency response team (57 officers) resigned from that team... to support the two who were suspended :manson:
The police department also claimed at first that the man tripped and fell:
The two officers involved have plead not guilty to an assault charge for that ‘trip and fall’.

And 57 members of their special unit have quit in disgust at the treatment of their two colleagues who were suspended because of it. Their audacity to actually double down is unbelievable.
The NY Times has been doing a great job following this.

Some really interesting cases:
Edit: Oops sorry didn’t see VoR’s post :D
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Afua Hirsch LITERALLY being told that if she doesn't like it, to leave the country in amongst a panel of white broadcasters. She is invariably the only black voice in these kind of panels - and you can just see all the white people looking at her like 'what is this angry black woman here moaning about? We've given her a place at this table haven't we?'

'I like you Afua'... 'but as a black woman kindly fuck off away from our country, ta muchly.'
Did we talk about the Buffalo thing before? The two officers involved in pushing the guy were suspended, and the entire emergency response team (57 officers) resigned from that team... to support the two who were suspended :manson:

They are so fucking institutionalised they can't even SEE the problem.

Afua Hirsch LITERALLY being told that if she doesn't like it, to leave the country in amongst a panel of white broadcasters. She is invariably the only black voice in these kind of panels - and you can just see all the white people looking at her like 'what is this angry black woman here moaning about? We've given her a place at this table haven't we?'

'I like you Afua'... 'but as a black woman kindly fuck off away from our country, ta muchly.'

Jesus Christ I can’t believe someone would still have the AUDACITY to say that.
Jesus Christ I can’t believe someone would still have the AUDACITY to say that.

it's astonishing and yet at the same time totally NOT astonishing. Notice that there is literally ZERO outcry about a white man telling a black woman to leave the country if she doesn't like it, because we are so USED to it now.
Heavens. What a grand cunt.

I can't believe such a juvenile caveman mentality like that still exists.
It’s sad to see the vociferous fight back, but if anything it just proves the movement’s points. That there are a large part of the population who are happy with the status quo and they’ll do whatever they can to defend that position.
I'm having a hard time swallowing the "not all cops" argument.

They joined the force knowing how already corrupt, unpopular and STUBBORN it is. They actively chose to participate in an institution that's become known for betraying its own citizens. And I'm sure a lot of them are honest policemen who are "just doing their job" and trying to make things better, but until it IS better they're gonna have to carry that burden.
Just been reading this (long) thread. Obviously very small fry compared to what has been going on, but further proof of ACAB

There was a Tweet going around yesterday asking how old people were when they had their first black school teacher.

Like a vast majority of respondents, I don't think I ever did.

Local article today stating that 1.9% of Bristol's secondary school teachers are black, 4.4% BAME.

16% of the population is BAME, but it's known that the age profile of the BAME population is much younger than the population as a whole.
I've never liked Alexander Bard and that's about as good a reason as you'll ever get. Totally fucking ignorant.
I mean even MORRISSEY posted a black square on BlackOutTuesday (and he got a LOT OF SHIT for it, and quite rightly so) but this guy takes it to another level of CUNTERY..

It's just Muslims Morrissey hates right?

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